An IPSD (Inverter Power Sharing Device) manages the distribution of power from a single PV system to various apartments or units. For example, a 40 kW PV system on a building’s roof can supply eight apartments. The IPSD controls how this energy is shared among the units, switching it as needed to ensure efficient use.
Compliance with AS/NZS 4777.1:2024
To ensure safety and efficiency, the installation of an IPSD must follow the AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 standards. These guidelines cover the type of inverters used and the necessary protective measures:
• IPSD Must Use AS/NZS 4777.2 Inverters
• IPSDs must be paired with inverters tested to the AS/NZS 4777.2 standard.
Interface Protection for IES Over 30 kVA
If the Inverter Energy System (IES) exceeds 30 kVA, the IPSD must include interface protection. This is stricter compared to the 200 kVA limit for other systems, highlighting the need for enhanced safety in IPSD setups.
Anti-Islanding and Isolation Requirements
Immediate Islanding
If any distribution board connected to the IPSD loses grid power, the IPSD must isolate within 2 seconds.
Isolation Adjacent to IPSD
Isolation points for all supplementary supplies must be located next to the IPSD.
Performance and Safety Considerations
Overcurrent Protection
IPSD systems need overcurrent protection to handle fault currents from any direction.
Secure CT Installation
Current transformers (CTs) are important for monitoring energy distribution and safety. They must be installed securely to prevent accidental removal.
Signage Requirements
System Schematic
A clear, A3-sized single-line diagram or system schematic must be displayed at the main switchboard.
Warning Signage
A warning sign must be placed within the switchboard to prevent the removal of IPSD sensing devices, such as CTs.
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